Friday, June 20, 2008

Trial Monday

The trial for Lexy's case is Monday morning at 9:30 am.  The case worker asked be to be there at 11:00 am to testify.  I will not be able to be in the trial except for the time I am testifying.   I will spare you all the details that have unfolded in the last weeks, but I do feel encouraged due to her dad's failure to complete his case plan.  Though I am still a little nervous about the grandparents.

Please keep Lexy and our family in you thoughts and prayers. 

I will send an update on Monday, as soon as I know anything.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Family news

Great News!
Monty closed on his house in Safety Harbor this morning.  It was a belated birthday present for him.
I also took Rayne in for his 4 month check up and he is just shy of 18 pounds.  He is still in 95% on height and weight, the Dr. just went on and on about how healthy and handsome he is.  She said he seems to be doing great on just breastmilk and she said to keep up the good work.  I have to admit I was hoping she would say to start cereal :).  His shots are never fun, but he recovered quickly.
Alexis was accepted into a pre-k boot camp for the summer, and received a partial scholarship because she is a foster child.  They help with behaviors and getting her prepared to be in a school setting. It is twice a week in the mornings.  It is at the same place she gets her speech therapy and they are wonderful.  They love Lexy and the director of the program adopted two children out of foster care, so they "get it". 

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Court today

Alexis father did not show up, but did call and say he was having car trouble.  He will have to 10 days to show proof he really was having car trouble and the trial will be rescheduled.  Then he will still have 30 day to fight it.

I will keep you all posted.  Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.  Please keep lifting us up!

I am so tired I did not sleep much last night and just want closure.  Hopefully soon.