Monday, July 14, 2008

Another update

We have made it past the 10 days that Alexis bio father had to prove that he was in fact having car trouble.  He has made no contact with the case worker, so they are moving towards terminating his rights and towards adoption for us.  This is WONDERFUL news for our family.  He still has the 30 days to appeal the termination, but is is my understanding that very few parents actually fight this and if they do it is extremely hard to turn over.  Yippee!!  We feel a huge weight off our shoulders and can not wait for it to be over.
Lexy is doing great in her pre-k boot camp, she is starting to try to make sentences.  It seems like she learns to say a new word everyday, and we are actually able to understand most of them now.  She is also doing great with potty training.  She still has accidents every now and then, but we feel we are on the home stretch.  She continues to be affectionate, sweet and stubborn, she may have learned that since she has been in our home.     We feel so blessed to be in her life and grow and learn with her.  She is an amazing little girl.

Rayne is still growing like a weed.  He was 19 lbs at his last Dr. appointment.  He stills seems to be satisfied with breastfeeding, so we are going to keep it up as long as we can.  He has grown in to a happy content little boy.  He may be a little spoiled to his mama, but much more laid back than we thought he would be.
Monty's home is St. Harbor sold and that is a tremendous load off.  We (Monty) no longer has to make the trips over there to maintain it.  Monty also bought a (newer) car, he got a VW Jetta wagon and is really enjoying driving it.
We are happy and healthy and thankful to have such a wonderful family and friends.

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