Alexis also had her Thanksgiving feast and her class preformed a song for the parents. She wore her pilgrim hat and vest she made in class. She was in the very front row and I think she sang the loudest of all of them. In the chorus of the song the kids put their hands to their mouth shouted " Thank you Lord"! I felt filled with emotion, I too wanted to shout THANK YOU LORD!! Our prayers have been answered.
Rayne also had his 9 month check up on Wednesday and had been walking for three weeks prior to it. He is now running! The Dr. was super impressed by his development and growth. He is still in the 90 percent on height and weight, and right on track with the other tests. He is a pretty happy boy, rotten but happy. He loves music and dances and claps when he hears it. He also loves to hear his daddy sing and bangs on the guitar while he is playing. I feel certain that he is going to be a guitar player like Monty.
We are so blessed. I can not thank everyone enough for all of the reference checks, fingerprinting, thoughts, prayers and continual support through this journey. We are dancing in the light at the end of the tunnel. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I love you all.
Amanda (Monty, Alexis, and Rayne)
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