Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Love party!

I am way over due for a family update.  I think the last blog I posted my little Harry had just moved to a new foster home and I was off to my family girls weekend with my mom’s side of the family.  The weekend was a blast as always.  It was a recycle theme this year so we went to thrift stores, made recycled crafts, and had our annual pajama contest.  I am so blessed to have so many amazing women in my family.  Not only are they fabulous role models, but they are fun too!!


My little Harry is a lucky little boy to have moved into the foster home he did.  He is with his 4 year old sister and his new foster mom and dad are dedicated and loving.  I have become friends with his new foster mom Kathy and we talk weekly, sometime about Harry and foster care, but I really just enjoy talking to her... she is inspiring.  We have tons in common including lupus.  She is a wonderful mama and is advocating for all of her foster children. 

Sunny my 12 year old cat began losing weight very quickly.  I took him to the vet and he was down from his normal 21lbs to about 14lb.  Turns out he has diabetes and needed daily insulin shots.  I began the shots but some how missed the memo on how important it is that he eats before his shot is given.  Since he was not eating well when I gave him his 3rd dose of insulin he began having seizures.  Of course these things always happen when my husband is not home.  My girlfriend came and stayed with the kids and Sunny was admitted to the hospital for 24 hours where they could give him glucose and monitor his sugar levels.  He came home and has been doing better.  He is eating better and gaining a little weight back.  He has a strict diet now, a lower dose of daily insulin, and just started an antibiotic due to possible UTI (he is having accidents in the house).  Sunny was the first cat I got when I moved out on my own.  He was with me before my husband or kids.  He reluctantly adjusted to Monty and has become Lexy’s best friend.  He has been a faithful companion to me and my family.  I am hopeful that he will start feeling better and bounce back.


Lexy has had plans for a “love” birthday party since February.  She decided she wanted a heart themed party.  It was so fitting for my loving little girl (and her giant heart) and worked out well for her frugal mama too, because I was able to get some of her decorations on clearance after Valentine’s Day.  We rarely have just one celebration in our family.  So on Saturday we headed to grandma and grandpa’s house to swim, have her special dinner (she ordered chicken on the bone and corn on the cob), and of course grandma’s special birthday cake.  It was such a relaxing fun day.  Her second party was Sunday in the yard with all the neighborhood kids.  Monty put up the zip line, we had a piñata, a crane game full of candy, hula hoops, bubbles, chalk and snacks.  All the kids were well behaved and Lexy felt special and loved. 

We decided to try Hillsborough County Virtual School for Lexy this year.  In the past she did not qualify for this program, because it required that she had been in public school before, but they changed the rules and I did not find out until near the deadline to register.  Because it is a program through the county they have all the same requirements as public school to register.  Since Lexy is adopted and never been in public school I found myself scrambling to get all her paperwork together.  Whew… I made it just in time.  Virtual school is an online curriculum (likely the one we are already using) and she will be assigned a teacher to monitor her progress and support her.  We are hopeful that it works for her and our family.  Monty and I still feel homeschool is the best option for our family.

The kids have started their 3rd year of swimming lessons.  Lexy is a fish and has been free swimming for a while now.  Rayne is still nervous around the pool, so I am hoping he will get past some of his fear.
We are busy and well. 



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