Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We are so provided for...

We have had baby Jay three weeks now and he is settling right in. He is a joyful, snuggly and a well taken care of baby. He has found the notch in my hip and the crease in my lap that he fits in and that’s exactly where he wants to be. He was the only child in the home and mom was a SAHM and apparently had time to hold him a lot. He makes funny baby noises and faces and has the sweetest little backwards wave. He is adorable and a joy to have in our home.

He has grandparents out of state that are in the process of having a home study completed so they can get him out of foster care asap. Both parents are completely compliant with the system. The mom has provided me with shot records, formula, clothes, and baby food. According to the worker both parents show genuine concern for their baby and are working as hard as they can to get him back. I really hope that they get the services they need and he can go home to a safe loving environment.

Since we take short term placements and live in a small home I am always begging for “stuff” when we get a new baby. With the different ages, developmental stages we could not possibly store everything we need, and our $13 a day board rate hardly covers gear. It’s amazing how we are always so provided for. Friends brought me clothes, his doctor gave me some formula (he is on a very expensive kind), the association gave us a swing, I had a friend that lives across state hook me up with her daughter-in-law for a baby gate (even though he refuses to be in it) and I even found an exersaucer by my neighbors trash. We are defiantly not rich and I am so thankful for everyone that so generously shares their hand-me-downs.
Lexy is doing great with her online school, I however am still learning all the websites and logins :). Both kids start soccer this weekend and are very excited. Monty is so busy and has more work than he can get done.

I am not in a good place with my lupus right now.I am not feeling well. I need to find a new rheumatologist because mine moved, but I do not want to give this stupid disease one more drop of my energy or money. If I don’t address it will take the last little bit of energy I do have though. Lately it is so much easier to pretend and push through.


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