Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today's news

Long story but I went back to my old rheumatologist today basically because I had an appointment and feel awful.  There have been a lot of changes in her office and I am hopeful it makes it more bearable to get into her.  She told me my lupus is back active and would like to start me on an immune suppresser drug.  We talked about several options and even benlyst which I will never be able to afford.  She wants to wait for my labs to come back to make a decision.  I really already knew… I guess I just didn’t want to face it.  I am scared of the “chemo” type and steroid drugs, so I have just kept on trucking and pretending.  I did feel like my doctor heard me today and as always she sent me off with a hug.

If I am honest I have not been diligent with my diet and supplements, so between now and my next appointment I plan and filling my body with nutrients and visualizing and praying for healing.  I am not sure I am ready to face the “big girl” drugs yet.

The attorney does not agree that the Jay’s dad is safe to take him, though he did not have one recommendation for services. His reason for not agreeing to reunify him was “failure to protect”. He has no prior incidents that would indicate that could not care for his son, and there is an injunction on the mom so she would not be a concern.  He has a new home, a great job, and went out of state to get all the babies personal items this weekend.    It looks like we may have the little guy longer than planned.  Hopefully something productive will happen in court next so this sweet baby’s life will not stay in limbo.  

The system always pushes me to the limit we are approaching our 30 day mark, but no permanency for this baby yet.  A month should be enough time to have an idea or a plan of action for a placement that is in a short term foster placement.  Thankfully he has a wonderful worker and I believe she will keep everything moving.  Just one day at a time from here I guess. 


  1. I am glad that you had a positive experience with you Dr! Praying for a complete healing for you and that you start feeling better :)

    Praying for Jay's case and permanency for this sweet boy!!

  2. Love you Sis! You are so passionate which I love! And each child.that passes through the Gary household will be better for it.
