Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rayne turns 5

Rayne was born 5 years ago on Super bowl Sunday at the time I did not even know there was a world beyond our family (which included trying to adopt Lexy) and our new beautiful baby.  I am not really football fan but I am sure someday it will be cool to Rayne that he was born on the biggest football day of the year.  Right now his favorite thing is Monster trucks and lucky for him Monster Jam also comes to Tampa his birthday weekend.  This was our second year attending the event.  This time we had a year to watch it on TV, get to know the trucks and drivers and gather a good collection of toys.  Grandma and grandpa, Uncle Mike and cousin MJ joined us. Grandma packed a picnic so we could tailgate before.  Rayne was so excited and worried he was going to miss something he hardly ate (not that this is anything new). All of his favorite trucks were there and one of his favorites won!  He sat by his "best friend" grandpa and gave him the DL on all the trucks.  It was a super fun night.

The Sunday after Monster Jam we had some friends over to grandma and grandpas for a monster truck birthday party.  Complete with a zip-line (courtesy of daddy), a piñata, golf cart rides and a monster truck cake (made for him by grandma). It was a great day and my little man felt special and loved!

Rayne is a special little boy!  No matter how long we grow his hair, or if he has his toenails painted, or even carries around his baby doll….. he is ALL boy.  He is mechanical and curious about how things work. Rayne loves trucks, boats, airplanes, fishing and dirt.  He adds so much color and joy to our lives!

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