Sunday, October 16, 2011

Seeking balance

We all have eye opening (life changing) events that happen in our life.… well lupus (not by choice) has become one of mine and has lead me to a new journey of self discovery and health. I am starting to realize that I have to understand, accept and even love my disease in order to heal, I am not there yet!! It’s a process, but at least I know what needs to be done. I have just started reiki, beginning to make meditation, and visualization a daily priority… sprinkled with some cognitive therapy and dietary changes. I will still continue to peruse the medication study in hopes to be accepted, but am quickly learning the importance of emotional, spiritual and mental health as well. I am reaching out to other professionals in holistic treatment to help me reach a balance in treatment and in life. Monty and I are taking baby steps towards a major dietary change and are seriously looking at the macrobiotic diet. I have expressed how lonely lupus is, but in reality I am not alone on this journey. I am grateful for all of the love and support that I am blessed with. I continue to welcome any ideas, feed back, or referrals to resources that may be helpful. I have already received so much guidence from my family and friends… that has helped me get to this place. I plan on continuing to share my story in hopes that it may help someone else. We are all connected, but I am finding that opening ourselves up, helps us better feel those connections. It is much easier for me to share the pretty uplifting parts of my story (my life), but I am also discovering that it is therapeutic for me (and hopefully helpful to others) to be honest and real about my weaknesses and challenges. So here we go….

I am limited to what herbal supplements I am able to take due to qualifying for the study, but beyond that I am pretty open :)

P.S. I also still have family blog plans, so I have a more appropriate place to share our stories.

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