Baby K |
I have to admit after baby K went to his family, I was quite exhausted and had several days of not feeling well. Getting up every three hours (or so) was harder on me (since Lupus) than I thought. We loved having him and he really was a sweet baby, but I did not realize how tired I was. I have always had the ability to push through and do what I have to do (even find joy in it), but then when the job is done I crash. This was not nearly as bad as it has been in the past, so I will take the improvement. I am still struggling to find that balance.
Waiting on the parade |
We had a great fourth with my family. It started with going
to the parade in Brandon ,
swimming at Grandmas, BBQ at Uncle Mike’s, a neighborhood baseball game and
ended with Monty doing a small but super cool fireworks show in the front yard.

Friday afternoon placement started calling me for kids. The first one was a 15 month old little boy with
scabies they needed to place temporally until his 4 month old sister was
released from the hospital for severe neglect.
He had spent the previous night in another foster home, but for some
unknown reason was being moved. I called
my friend Karen (also a foster mom) just to ask her if she had any experience with
scabies and she already knew the story.
She inquired why she was moving him because her friend (a different
foster mom- that on that had him the night before) was willing to keep him until the
permanent placement was found for the siblings together. I talked the foster mom that had him to get
some information on the little guy. She
shared how he was scared through the night,
she had to sleep on the couch beside him to reassure him, and she also
confirmed that she was willing to keep him.
I called placement back and questioned why on earth they were moving
him. I expressed my willingness to help,
but refused to enable the dysfunction. Thankfully he went back to that home did not have to adjust to another family. I knew by talking to the foster mom he is in
wonderful hands and right where he needed to stay.
Later that afternoon I got a call for an 8 month old little
girl, but they quickly found permanent placement and did not need us. I was
relieved I felt the need to take it easy anyway.
Monty took us to the flea market Saturday. It is never as good as I think it will be and
it was so very hot. We had fun
anyway and managed to find a few treasures.
Saturday afternoon I had a great relaxing evening with a friend. We had dinner at the Spaghetti Warehouse, and
strolled around IKEA, while Monty stayed with the kids.
Saturday night at 11pm placement called again this time with
a 19 month old little girl (or so they said), from a sibling group of 8, (the
youngest being 1 month and the oldest 9 years old) which were taken for physical
abuse. Foster homes were already found for 6
of them, and the 5 year old was in the hospital for the abuse. I initially said no because it was late and I knew it would be at least
another hour before they got here. I
hung up shared the detail with Monty, we discussed how it was the exact age
Lexy was when we got her. I did not
ignore the voice inside (I am still listening) within minutes I called back and
agreed. Turns out she was actually a 21
month old little boy, which did not matter to us at all really.
He did not arrive until 4am!! I
was feeling overwhelmed the hours befor he arrived thinking maybe I was
taking on too much right now. He slipped
right into bed and slept until 10:30am the next morning. Lexy and Rayne got up and did not even know
he was here until after they had breakfast.
What a surprise for them, every time placement calls they beg for me to
say yes. He is a sweet, quiet little
man, but has already made a big mark on our hearts. It seems like kids that come from big sibling
groups adjust very quickly to our home, they like all the attention. I am not sure how long we will have him. He has a visit scheduled with his mom and dad
tomorrow. The CPI called today and told
me that the mother has still not been arrested for the abuse, the siblings have
3 different dads and some will go with their fathers, but our little guy’s dad
is not an option because he has a big arrest record. So far there has been no other family step up
to take him. I think they will see which
of the siblings stay in the system then try to move them to a foster home
together. What a mess!!
Our new little man |
We have just recently shared with Lexy the details of her
story. She has always known she was
adopted, and that we choose her. We told
her she grew in our hearts, she was our first baby and the day she came was one
of the best days of our lives. We did not
share the parts about another mom and dad not being able to take care of her. We wanted to wait until she was mature enough to
understand it. With the recent foster
children coming into our home we explain each of their stories and our responsibly as a
family to take care of them. She so “gets
it” and was ready. Monty explained how the police dropped her off
(after being released from the hospital) like the other children that come, and how super excited we were that she was here. She asked briefly about her mom and asked if
she was in heaven. We explained that she
wasn’t but she could not keep her safe.
I have thought hours about how this conversation would go and she was
hardly moved at all. She had very little
reaction and the subject quickly moved on to if she had to if she could have
seconds for dinner. Rayne on the other
hand was mad that a police officer did not bring him.
Everywhere we go Rayne proudly announces that he has a new
baby and that he is the big brother. The kids are very proud of our babies, not only
because they are super cute, but I also think they have a deeper understanding
that they are making a difference. They
are really a big help and take their roles as big brother and sister pretty
serious considering their ages. I know I
have shared this many times, but I am so proud of them!!
"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do." Helen Keller
You are amazing! and Rayne is just too funny, his comment gave me a chuckle.